Thursday, May 04, 2006

to those who think
I should come out of the closet

Alright, alright. My name isn't Lucy.

I'm not really trying to hide from those of you I know and love. I'm hiding from: 1) those black-clad students for whom I'd rather remain the anonymous woman who flits by classes with a mug of tea and a package of proofs, 2) guys I date. Both categories, particularly the latter, are apt to google me.

If I feel like writing about the guys I date (which, to be honest, I should do more often--write, not date) or the odd happenings on this little broad-lawned and belled campus, I just want to do so without trepidation.

To the rest of you: I love you unreservedly. And more so if you comment.


Anonymous said...

That photo is gorgeous! Very mysterious and alluring. Love your blog and I like that you are doing it semi-anonymously. Keep those weirdos away from your private space. I mean the trees are already listening so why let anyone else in that wasn't invited! (Except me, of course)

A M B E R said...

This just makes me love you all the more! Flattery always does the trick.

(Jenny told me you were listening in)