Friday, March 25, 2011

a little work here and there

I'm supposed to work in my office, but the truth is often I'm just here to find some refuge. To sit in front of the quiet screen and think. Check email, check Facebook, or mindlessly search ebay for cheap Oilily baby dresses or Orla Kiely bags. I do work, yes, but I first need brain-emptying transition time. The three-month-old and a two-year-old take up huge chunks of my brain--feeding, clothing, soothing, teaching, worrying--and it takes some time for the mama impulses to quiet down so I can address my work squarely. And often, when I have finally slipped into work mode, a crisis screaming outside the door of my office pulls me back.

Today, this paragraph is the tail-end of a long transition of many interruptions. It's 3:00, and I was supposed be working since 11:30. Ah.

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