Friday, April 20, 2012

photo friday: orange

Pascha Sunday, The Conservatory Garden / ©2012 Amber Schley Iragui

Still life with polka dots / ©2012 Amber Schley Iragui

Mother Cabrini High School, Science room / ©2010 Amber Schley Iragui

I put up some of the other orange photos I took on flickr
Next week: quiet (what I'm craving right now).

1 comment:

Manuela said...

I though I had commented on these already.

I love the dots in the first and second one.
The first one looks like a scene still photo from a movie to me, and is probably my favorite.
The second is simply beautiful. I love the patterns and colors of the plate and the table cloth.
I like the shot through the window and the reflection of the third.