Monday, August 07, 2006

missing your toothbrush?

I've noticed of late that my bathroom is sporting a few extra toothbrushes, and only one of these is mine. Of course, Nostalgia is responsible for at least two (notibly the one that looks like it's been used to clean floors). Any of my five summer house-guests (you know who you are) feel free to claim the one that belongs to you. The red one is the real mystery.


Nostalgia said...

Hmmm... the red one...

The electrical is left intentinally - I prefer manual cleaning. (I change my toothbrushes one every three months, so I'm not to take the responsibility for any ugly looking ones).

A M B E R said...

Hmmmm. Well, if the trashed toothbrush doesn't come from you (Nostalgia), then I am truly grossed out. Where did it come from?

Anonymous said...

My mom regularly discovers her home has accumulated extra toothbrushes as well. Maybe bathrooms multiply the toothbrushes every time the dryer eats a sock.

Latifolious said...

Mystery solved: the red one is mine, kiddo.

A M B E R said...

Ah, things are coming together. I have thrown out the gross-looking one since Nostalgia has disowned it and I don't think Lucas is going to acknowledge it as his (I'm not saying it is yours, Lucas). And Mr Leaves, I'll bring the red one next time we hang out.

Jenny said...

All I can say is the red one is MINE. I don't know why somebody is trying to claim my toothbrush, but that red one is clearly none other than yours truly. Please send it to me before Latifolious pounces on it.

Nostalgia said...

Mmm... May be the gross-looking one is mine! I had one to wash my hair-brush with it... yes, that's what it is.

A M B E R said...

Oh, so *now* you admit it! I'm glad you felt so comfortable as to leave the toothbrush you used to clean your hairbrush (do people clean their hairbrushes?) with the other more legitimate toothbrushes above my sink.

This post is the most popular published on my site, I'm not sure what I think of that.

Latifolious said...

You can have the toothbrush, Jenny. If Lucy hasn't sent it back to you by now, I'm sure a small colony has begun to take hold among its bristles.